Wednesday 12 July 2017

Follow Me Back (Follow Me Back #1) by A.V. Geiger (Review)

     Engaging and thrilling, Follow Me Back is a well paced adventure that puts the readers on edge as they follow the stories of a major pop star and a girl with agoraphobia. Terrified to even leave her room, Tessa only has contact with three people, her mom, her boyfriend Scott and her therapist. Isolated and alone Eric Thorn is hooked into a horrible record deal that is killing him. Lashing out at a random fan, Tessa, he inadvertently sparks a relationship that will become both of their lifelines, but as this goes on danger lurks in the background, waiting to pounce.
     I was surprised how much I enjoyed Follow Me Back. I've never been a big fan of pop culture and I've never liked boy bands or artists like Justin Bieber. Heck I'm not much for social media on my own time, so when I started this novel I was patiently skeptical if I would enjoy it. I was happy to see that despite my none interest in some of the subject matter, the books was still very engaging and fun to read. I finished it in a day. The thrill of the mystery was well done and the plot twist at the end was really not something I had expected or predicted. I had been fairly sure I knew the end before it arrived, but was pleasantly surprised to find out that I was wrong. I was left excited to read the next novel in the series and give Follow Me Back the rating of FIVE OUT OF FIVE STARS!!!
*Advanced Readers Copy Review* 

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