Tuesday 11 July 2017

Amid Stars and Darkness (The Xenith Trilogy #1) by Chani Lynn Feener (Review)

     I loved it!!!! Amid Stars and Darkness was an exciting outer space drama that has become my newest literary obsession. When an earth girl gets kidnapped one day being mistaken for an alien princess, she is thrown into an utterly insane world of assassinations, drama, mystery and romance. Ruckus has screwed up, he kidnapped a human named Delaney instead of the princess he is charged with protecting. Now its his job to keep her alive as she plays the part of the princess to prevent a massive war. As he does the passion sparks between him and her, with potential for great things, if he can keep her alive of course.
      Wonderful and exciting, Amid Stars and Darkness delivered on all that was promised in the synopsis. I found myself riveted by the immersive world and story, and the characters were all very distinct from each other in a way that really enriched the reading experience. Delaney is a sassy, intelligent, intuitive and resilient main character, and her narration was funny and enjoyable to read. The plot was well paced and the characters each seemed pretty well developed. After finishing this novel, I died on the inside because, warning, there is a major cliff hanger at the end of the novel that has me clamoring to get the next installment of the series. I can't wait to read where the series will go. In the end, I loved Amid Stars and Darkness and recommend it. I give it the well earned rating of FIVE OUT OF FIVE STARS!!!
*Advanced Readers Copy Review*

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