Thursday 13 July 2017

Angel Tormented (Louisiangel #3) by C.L. Coffey (Review)

   The third instalment in the Louisiangel series, Angel Tormented continues the story of Angel, a red haired ex-human current Angel, in her struggle to sort out her new angel life, to figure out her feelings and relationship with Joshua (her charge to protect) and to stop Lucifer and his minions from ending the world. Just as Angel is getting the hang of this angel thing, she is exposed to the world as angel, which is a HUGE no no. Now in trouble for that, she watches as the cherubim go their own way from the covenant and as Michael tries to balance things without them with the virtues breathing down his back because of Angel's mishap.  
       A little boring, Angel Tormented continues the story, picking up where book two ended. Angel is still a very sassy and witty character, but she seemed less well formed in this novel. It also seemed like there plot jumped around. It opened up a lot of avenues of plot but then really didn't satisfyingly conclude any of them by the end of the novel. I see that this was done to with hopes to lead into a fourth novel, but for the book to be good itself it need to have some form of major plot development. It just did not meet that requirement. That aside, it was still moderately interesting to read, which is why I give Angel Tormented the rating of FOUR OUT OF FIVE STARS!
*Advanced Readers Copy Review*

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