The second installment of the Never Veil series, Nobody's Lady continues that tale of Noll as she faces the changes in her home village after the breaking of the curse that was set upon them. With the curse broken, men are beginning to think for themselves and they want to be free to make all of the choices they were once denied, throwing their world into upheaval.
Nobody's Lady wasn't good or bad. The voice of the narrator was smooth and nice to read, but plot wise the books was very dull and didn't seem to go anywhere. Romance wise, the book completely failed. There was no progression in the relationship from the previous novel, if anything it regressed. I still very much liked the character of Noll, but I found that her character growth was stunted in Nobody's Lady. All in all, I didn't think Nobody's Lady was a worthwhile read and I don't recommend it. I give Nobody's Lady the rating of TWO AND A HALF STARS OUT OF FIVE!
Nobody's Lady wasn't good or bad. The voice of the narrator was smooth and nice to read, but plot wise the books was very dull and didn't seem to go anywhere. Romance wise, the book completely failed. There was no progression in the relationship from the previous novel, if anything it regressed. I still very much liked the character of Noll, but I found that her character growth was stunted in Nobody's Lady. All in all, I didn't think Nobody's Lady was a worthwhile read and I don't recommend it. I give Nobody's Lady the rating of TWO AND A HALF STARS OUT OF FIVE!
*Advanced Readers Copy Review*