This book starts with some pretty dark undertones right from the get-go, Of Shadow and Stone is a very interesting novel with a magical other world of sorts containing were-wolves, vampires, magicians and living gargoyles. In the story, the two main characters Kate and Ian are both famous people who are sucked into this dangerous world with the responsibility to stop the gargoyles from killing humans for small crimes like identity theft and purse snatching, all the while as there attraction for each other grows.
I very much enjoyed the storytelling after the first little bit in the beginning that felt almost unnecessary to the plot. I loved the chemistry between the two romantic leads, they were very well paired. There was definitely room for improvement when it came to character development because there was many questions left unanswered about most to all of the characters in the story. I give Of Shadow and Stone by Michelle Muto THREE OF FIVE STARS!
*Advanced Readers Copy Review*
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