Just like Dance of Thieves, I really enjoyed Vow of Thieves. The characters were all fun to read, dramatic and exhilarating, and I was often on the edge of my seat while reading this book. I will attempt not to spoil anything important, but I do have to say that the plot twist and turns in this novel had me actively gasping as I read. Kazi is still a great character. She is tough and capable, but the author didn't feel the need to make her heartless and gave her a sensitive and vulnerable side, which I love. I often find authors ruin powerful female characters by taking away vulnerabilities and feminine traits from them. I respect that Mary E. Pearson doesn't do that. I love all of her strong female characters because they are allowed to still be women and identifiable to a female audience. All in all, read this series, and I give Vow of Thieves the rating of FOUR AND A HALF STARS OUT OF FIVE!!!
*Advanced Readers Copy Review*
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