Amazing book alert! I have found a new favorite! Gena Showalter went where many authors have gone before and took on a classical fairytale. I really like fairytale remakes, but if I'm honest, there are two I have never had much love for: Sleeping Beauty and Snow White. I usually found both princesses and their tales quite disinteresting in all of the versions I have seen them in, but WOWZA this book blindsided me and caught me right off guard! It was incredibly and is actually and addicting version of Snow White. It has given me a whole new interpretation of the Snow White characters. It takes place in a magical world where fairytales are prophecies of tragic futures. Our main character Everly is tied with a group of other girls into a magical prophecy foretelling their futures to be mapped with the fairytale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Can she escape destiny? Save herself? Her twin? Her Cousin? You'll have to read to find out ;) .
As you can tell by this point, I loved this book. It was such a creative and addicting story. I was in the middle of brutal exams at the point of reading it, and usually nothing can take me away from my studying (since the exams were very imminent), but this book managed to keep drawing me back; I was addicted. I spent hours of precious time laughing and crying with this book instead of studying like I should have been, and finished it in a day and a half. It is physically quite a large book, but it felt like it took absolutely no time to read, which I love. That's what you want from a book reading experience. Anyway, I am stoked for the series, and recommend it to everybody, its so good. I give The Evil Queen the rating of FIVE STARS OUT OF FIVE!!!
*Advanced Readers Copy Review*
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