I dislike this book. It felt like it was dragging on and on, and that it was more of a straight-man hating manifesto then an actually good fantasy novel. I couldn't help but constantly notice how the only men in this book that weren't portrayed as abusers, murders or rapists were a bi-sexual one and a gay one. Literally every other man was evil in this novel. It was so unrealistic it ripped me right out of the story. Also, things really slow down in the middle of the book. It just devolves into a rant about woman power and how oppressed women are; how that makes it okay to steal the will of men with magic, since its just revenge you see. It was gross. I felt dirty reading it. And to clarify, it shouldn't matter but for some it does, I am a woman. As a woman, I felt disgusted by how men were being villainized in this novel. It was also quite a boring read, which sucked. All in all though, the ideology in this novel is really what ruined it for me and I give it the rating of TWO AND A HALF STARS OUT OF FIVE!
*Advanced Readers Copy Review*
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