Well written and engaging, Myths of Immortality takes readers on a mythological adventure full of gods, monsters and demigods. Continuing off from where Demigods and Monsters finished, readers are put right back into the action as Hope goes to Hades to save herself and her future. Hope is a very strong and capable heroine, who shows the ability to fall in love while also showing she doesn't need anybody to save her. She is perfectly capable of doing that herself. We see very little of the Sphinx aspect of her in this novel, but that didn't seem to take away from the excitement and mystic of the novel. Every novel in this series so far has successfully changed its environment to create a new and engaging feeling to the novel. It keeps things from feeling repetitive and allows the books to feel progressive. Novel by novel things get more and more in depth in the mythology its based in and the characters feel more matured and ready for larger challenges. This plays into rounding the characters and making them feel more real and developed. They each have aspects to their personalities that allow them to stand out from one another and be characters that the readers feel for. All in all, I really enjoyed Myths of Immortality and recommend the entire series. I give Myths of Immortality the rating of FIVE OUT OF FIVE STARS!!!
*Advanced Readers Copy Review*
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