For a young-adult novel, Moon Chosen touches on a lot of deep and relevant topics indirectly throughout the story. The story seems to take place in a world that has already seen a nuclear war and that is bathed in radiation. It could easily be seen as a cautionary tale for that, but it also comments on many different social problems from our past and present. The tension between the tribe in the trees and the earth walkers seems to emulate the relations between Native Americans and colonists. Moon Chosen has the tribe of trees enslave and kill the more naturalistic earth walkers out of prejudice and racism. Nevertheless, Nik and Mari meet and become friends, overcoming their differences. I would not say that Moon Chosen is very romance oriented, so don't get your hopes up for a flaring romance between Mari and Nik. Overall, I thought the novel covered some pretty deep things and was pretty good, so I give Moon Chosen FOUR OUT OF FIVE STARS!!
*Advanced Readers Copy Review*
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