Goodness gracious, no. Wow, I have never been so brutally disappointed in my life. Being a huge fan of Quinn Loftis's Grey Wolves Series I was horrified to see the quality of Dream of Me. Right off the bat it becomes clear that there is no clear conflict or villains. That is a nightmarish thing to do to a story. In addition, there was little to no honest and solid character development. I have never had to force myself through a story to this degree before. I have no idea what went wrong, but obviously something went very very wrong in the creation of this story. The only highlights were the very beginning and the very end, which says nothing good. Honestly, I wish that I could unsee this crushing disappointment of a story. If I could suggest anything to Quinn about how to insure this will never happen again, I would have to say: for peets sake, please actually put a solid conflict in your story from the get-go.
Do not, I repeat do not waste your time with Dream of me. I give Dream of Me the deserved rating of only ONE OUT OF FIVE STARS!
*Advanced Readers Copy Review*
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