I am a Young Adult reviewer who loves to read and talk about books. Here is the mystical place where I will do everything from interview authors, review books, and rate them; to share insider YA info and do giveaways! The only thing I don’t do is share my personal copies of books ;) . So welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to The Not So Public Library! #TNSPLblog
Sunday, 31 August 2014
Angelbound by Christina Bauer (Review)
Saturday, 30 August 2014
Alienated by Melissa Landers (review)

Friday, 29 August 2014
Getting to Know the Authors: Featuring Skylar Dorset!
Since that time, Skylar’s head has been filled with lots of characters and lots of drama. She is delighted to be able to share some of it with all of you now, because, honestly, it was getting pretty loud and crowded in there.
Skylar is a born-and-bred New Englander, which is why Boston was a natural setting for her debut novel, THE GIRL WHO NEVER WAS. Skylar shares her home with a cardboard cutout of the Tenth Doctor, lots of Mardi Gras beads from the time she spent living in New Orleans, and a harp she’s supposed to be teaching herself to play. She’d like to get a dog.
The Girl Who Never Was (Otherworld, #1)
by Skylar Dorset
The Girl Who Kissed a Lie (Otherworld #0.5)
by Skylar Dorset
The Boy with the Hidden Name (Otherworld, #2)
Now on to the interview!!
1)How old were you when you started writing, in your opinion?
I think I started when I was born. I just didn’t know how to
write yet, so I had to wait to learn that skill. But I always had stories going
on in my head, and once I knew how to write, I immediately started writing down
stories. I was six when I typed up my first one.
2)What do you want a reader to gain from reading your works?
Fun! I want a reader to be able to read what I write and be
able to escape for a little while, hang out with some characters he or she
really loves and enjoys spending time with.
3)What are your three top suggestions on becoming an author,
or being a pleasure writer?
(A) Write the thing
you want to read. Because then, when you’re done, you’ll be happy you wrote it
because you’ll be able to read it! \
(B) Don’t be afraid to be part of a
community. Either online or in real life, writing groups can be so fun and you
can learn so much. And not just from writing, but from reading other people’s
(C) Don’t be too self-critical. Don’t freeze yourself up. Get it out
of you, and then worry about the polish later.
4)What is your favourite novel, why?
Oof, picking just one is hard but I’m going to go with
“Watership Down,” by Richard Adams, because it has fantastic world-building,
unforgettable characters, and a plot that has you on the edge of your seat by
the end.
5)Who is your favourite author, why?
J.K. Rowling, because she’s basically the queen, because she
opened my eyes to how awesome writing really can be, and because she taught me
how to plot.
6)What are your favorite pass times besides writing?
I’m so boring. I basically watch a lot of television and
poke around on the Internet. I do bake pretty often.
7)Who in your life do you credit your imagination to the most?
Well, as with everything, my parents.
8)What are the top five things on your bucket list?
I don’t have much of a bucket list these days, because I’m
pretty content, I have to say. Publishing a book was a pretty big bucket list
item, after all! But if I had to list some, I’d say:
(1) Fly first-class to
(2) Take one of those really decadent spa vacations.
(3) Go to the
Oscars, preferably as a nominee.
(4) Buy a really incredibly fancy pair of
(5) Live by the sea.
9)What is your funniest childhood memory?
My childhood was basically nothing but laughter, which is a
very good thing. I can’t just pick one!
10)To the youth of today, if you could tell them one thing,
what would it be?
Enjoy every single second of it. You wouldn’t believe how
fast time flies.
Thursday, 21 August 2014
Getting to Know the Authors: Featuring Joss Stirling!
Joss Stirling also writes under the pen names of Julia
Golding and Eve Edwards. She is a multi-award winning writer for children and
young adults. Watch the video below to find out more.
Studying for this prompted her to write her first novel,
'The Diamond of Drury Lane', set in 1790 and told by her intrepid heroine, Cat
Royal. It went on to win the Waterstones Children's Book Prize 2006 and the
Nestle Children's Book Prize 2006 (formerly known as the Smarties Prize). In
the US, 'Secret of the Sirens' won the honor book medal of the Green Earth Book
Award. 'Dragonfly' won the 2012 Beehive Book Award, Young Adult Division, given
by the Children's Literature Association of Utah and voted on by readers in
schools and public libraries.
What has she written?
Under the name Joss Stirling, she has written Finding Sky,
Challenging Zed,
Stealing Phoenix,
Seeking Crystal,
and Struck.
I have already reviewed some of her books here:
The Benedict series:
Struck (Storm and Stone):
Look out for her newest upcoming novel!
Look out for her new novel Misty Falls, coming out October 2nd 2014!
1) How old were you when you started writing, in your opinion?
I started making up stories at Primary School. I still have
them. They are heavily influenced by
whatever I was reading or watching then so a story might start with a Narnia
style 'through the wardrobe' experience and sudden take a left turn into space
(I was a fan of a series called Blake's 7 - BBC Sci-Fi). They are also illustrated as I wanted to make
the whole book, not just the story. The
best one was called The Tapestry Room with a huge tapestry in an old spooky
house that led to magical worlds.
2)What do you want a reader to gain from reading your works?
First, I'd like them to love the story and characters. I enjoy falling under the spell of other
writers so much so that I can't wait to finish the tale; if my readers feel the
same about what I write then I'm happy.
Secondly, I'd like them to feel they've gone on a journey of discovery,
perhaps finding out something about themselves or finding solutions to things
that worry them through the experiences of the characters. That sometimes happens and readers will
contact me to tell me about this. It is
a privilege to have been the right book for someone at the right moment.
3)What are your three top suggestions on becoming an author,
or being a pleasure writer?
Keep a notebook to hand - you never know when an idea may
come to you or you will spot something you want to remember.
Enjoy writing for its own sake as publication is a hit and
miss affair.
4)What is your favourite novel, why?
Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice - not only is it supremely
accomplished but she invented the ultimate romance hero. Her dialogue sparkles. In fact, if you think about it, dialogue is
character in that book as we hear little about appearance and not so very much
happens. The drama and comedy is all in
the sparks flying when people start talking.
5)Who is your favourite author, why?
Other than Jane Austen, J R R Tolkien for his wonderful
sprawling world of Middle Earth which is a version of English and European
landscapes but mythologized. I take his
world everywhere with me when out walking.
6)What are your favorite pass times besides writing?
Travelling - just back from Central America where we've been
swimming in turquoise waterfalls and snorkelling in the Caribbean.
7)Who in your life do you credit your imagination to the most?
I never think about it as being anything other than mine own
but I suppose my parents would have had something to do with it. My mum is artistic and is always making
crafts or painting pictures or on fabrics so perhaps the creative flair comes
from her.
8)What are the top five things on your bucket list?
Most of the things I would like to happen in my life are
beyond my sphere of influence e.g. I'd like to see a successful screen
adaptation of one of my books one day.
Of the things I can do, I'd like to travel to New Zealand, learn to draw
to a professional standard, come up with a brilliant and original idea for the
next book, improve my language skills and teach my dog to come back when called
(he's lovely but not obedient when someone else's picnic is involved).
9)What is your funniest childhood memory?
They usually involve my older sister. We had Womble craft kits one Christmas and
she managed to glue up her hair very badly but I suppose it was funnier when a
few years later she tried to home-bleach it as a teen and it went green. At the time it wasn't amusing as she was
upset but after it was fixed, it was.
10) To the youth of today, if you could tell them one thing,
what would it be?
Great ebook deal!: Struck by Joss Stirling

By the way, so you don't get confused, yes this is:
One book, with two covers.
I have already read and reviewed Storm and Stone here:
Entangled by Amy Rose Capetta (review)

Tuesday, 19 August 2014
Getting to Know the Authors: Featuring Ink Monster!
What is Ink
Ink Monster is a
publishing group of some awesome young adult Novels.
Who are they?
Publishers of books
They are readers
They are writers
They are geeks
They are Aileen Erin and
Christina Bauer
Little-Known Facts about Author Aileen Erin:
Aileen Erin is the author of Becoming Alpha and the upcoming Cipher, due for release on October 14th, 2014. Here are five
little-known facts about her:
1. Aileen is half-Mexican and half-Irish, which makes her uber-superstitious. Fey? Demons? They’re all real to her. She’s even had a curandro to help her with a nasty demon problem. Ask her about it if you want details, but don’t expect to sleep well afterwards…
2. Diet coke is her favorite bev. It’s all chemicals, but keeps her going on a deadline.
3. Super Mario Brothers is her bitch. Don’t challenge her here unless you are ready to get your ass kicked.
4. She reads the JRR Tolkien languages of Quenya as well as some Sindarin.
5. It takes her three-four hours to read a full novel and she reviews them regularly on her blog.
Here’s how to follow Aileen Erin on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aelatcham
Twitter: @aileen_erin
Email: aerin@inkmonster.net
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/aileen_erin
Blog: http://inkmonster.net/blog/category/aileen
Little-Known Facts about Author Christina Bauer:
Christina Bauer is the author of Angelbound. The third installment in this series, Armageddon, is due for release on October 14, 2014. Here are five
little-known facts about her:
Christina is a licensed scuba
diver and disc jockey.
She hates any word with an ‘oi’
sound, like moist or loin. Saying the ‘moist loin’ is especially painful to
Dessert is her favorite meal of
the day.
She translates poems from their
original canine into English for her dog, Ruby. Example: Mother Effing Squirrels.
Christina used to be a Dungeon
Master until everyone figured out that it took her way too long to build her
elaborate fictional worlds. After that, she became a dual-classed elf warrior-mage
and turned to writing books about her imaginary worlds instead.
Here’s how to follow Christina Bauer on
social media:
Thursday, 14 August 2014
Getting to Know the Authors: Featuring Quinn Loftis!
Quinn is an award winning author
who lives in beautiful Western Arkansas with her husband, son, Nora the
Doberman, and Phoebe the Cat (who thinks she is a ninja in disguise). She is
the author of eight novels, including the USA Today bestseller, Fate and
Fury. Quinn is beyond thankful that she
has been blessed to be able to write full time and hopes the readers know how
much all of their support means to her. Some of her hobbies include reading,
exercising, crochet, and spending time with family and friends. She gives all
credit of her success to God because he gave her the creative spirit and vivid
imagination it takes to write.
Books by Quinn:
The Grey Wolves Series:
Prince of Wolves, Blood Rites, Just One Drop, Out of the Dark, Beyond the Veil, Fate and Fury, Sacrifice of Love, Fate and Fury, Book 8 of the Grey Wolves Series (coming soon)
The Elfin Series:
Elfin, Rapture,Call Me Crazy
Quinn’s Awards:
UtopYA 2013 – Author of the Year
UtopYA 2013 – Most Innovative Marketing – Fate and Fury
UtopYA 2013 – Series of the Year – The Grey Wolves Series
UtopYA 2013 – Paranormal Book of the Year – Elfin
USA Today Bestseller list – Fate and Fury
Now for the Interview!!
1) How old were you when you started writing, in your
I started writing when I was in grade school, just short
stories and poetry. I didn't write my first novel until Prince of Wolves in
2) What do you want a
reader to gain from reading your works?
I hope that young women find strength in being who they are
meant to be and loving themselves as they are. I hope they see how a man who
truly loves you should treat you and that love is ultimately a choice.
3) What are your three top suggestions on becoming an
author, or being a pleasure writer?
Read a lot, Write a lot and repeat.
4) What is your favorite novel, why?
Pride and Prejudice. The characters are so three
dimensional, the plot is brilliant and the love story so sweet.
5) Who is your favorite author, why?
J.k. Rowling- Harry Potter is brilliant
6) What are your favorite pass times besides writing?
Reading, exercising, spending time with my family
7) Who in your life do you credit your imagination to the
God, he created me and look at the incredible world around
us? Who better could teach us about creativity than the ultimate creator?
8) What are the top five things on your bucket list?
1.See my children accept Christ as their Savior
2.Live a life that brings glory to God no matter what I'm doing
2.Live a life that brings glory to God no matter what I'm doing
3. See the Holy Land
4.Swim in the Caribbean
5. Make the NYT list
9) What is your funniest childhood memory?
Christmas time, I loved it and still do.
10) To the youth of
today, if you could tell them one thing, what would it be?
Know that you were created for a purpose and you are so
dearly loved. I truly hope that through my writing I am able to show readers
that, yes reading is fun and creating worlds that could never exist is fun, but
more than that I hope I should show them that love is a choice, and that our Creator
loves us, just as the Great Luna loves her wolves.
For more on Quinn Loftis, go to:
Monday, 11 August 2014
The Phantom Diaries by Kailin Gow (Review)
I was pumped to read this book, because I looooove The Phantom of the Opera. The Phantom Diaries is a recreation of sorts of The Phantom of the Opera in the 21st century. It started off very well and enjoyable, but then it got weird. Voodoo, real ghosts, evil Christeen, immortality curses, and all that jazz started cropping up in the story. I could have overcome those enormous deviances from the theme of the original Phantom, if it were not for the the main character is disloyalty in her love life. She is leading on three guys at the same time, and does not care. One she actually loves and sleeps with, the Phantom, and two that she would drag around, sometimes kissing, sometimes going on dates with. Those are the lead violinist, and the Opera house rich owner. I cant stand crap romantic drama. This has a lot of crap romantic drama. This book was pretty bad, I only give it two stars.
Unseen by Lauren Stewart (Review)

Sunday, 10 August 2014
Phantom by Laura DeLuca (Review)
Ooooooh, a book about a high school version of Phantom of
the Opera. That’s perfect for me. I love Phantom of the Opera with a passion. I
know every line and song lyric off by heart, and that leads up to the first
thing that stuck out at me while reading this novel. The song lyrics used in
this book are different from my knowledge of Phantom of the Opera, very
disorienting and it throws me out of the story. It might have been done for
legal purposes, but still made the reading experience less than optimal. This
book is a suspense thriller, but still even knowing that, I kind of found
disturbing with the use of serial killers, and Wicka (a.k.a witch craft). Good
concept, bad moral standing, which for some is not a big deal, but for me it sours the entire reading experience. In the end, it was only okay. I give it three
Cinder by Marissa Meyer (Review)

Getting to Know the Authors: featuring C.C Hunter!
C.C. Hunter grew up in Alabama, where she caught lightning bugs, ran barefoot, and regularly rescued potential princes, in the form of Alabama bullfrogs, from her BROTHERS. Today, she's still fascinated with lightning bugs, mostly wears shoes, but has turned her focus to rescuing mammals. She now lives in Texas with her four rescued cats, one dog, and a prince of a husband, who for the record, is so not a frog. When she's not writing, she's reading, spending time with her family, or is shooting things-with a camera, not a gun.C.C. Hunter is a pseudonym. Her real name is Christie Craig and she also writes humorous romantic suspense romance novels for Grand Central. www.christie-craig.com
C.C. would love to hear from you. Because of deadlines, it may take her a day or so to get back with you, but she will reply. cc@cchunterbooks.com
What has she written?
C.C Hunter is the author of the Shadow Falls Series, and now the Shadow Falls: After Dark Series.
Now for the interview!!
1. How old were you when you started writing, in your
I didn’t start putting words on paper until I was 23. I’m
dyslexic, and the idea of being a writer when I had trouble spelling and
reading wasn’t something I considered.
But from about twelve, and all the way through those teen years, I spent
a lot of time in my own head making up stories.
All of them had a cute guy in them, too.
I didn’t realize it then, but I was practicing for my career as a
2. What do you want a reader to gain from reading your
Great question! When
I sit down to write a book, I don’t intentionally try to incorporate a
take-away value. I simply want to
entertain. However, in every book I
write there are life lessons to gain.
And they always have to do with the lessons and dilemmas my characters
are learning and facing. That said, I
think I always give my characters certain traits that have helped me in my own
life: perseverance and the ability to laugh.
My grandmother used to say, “If you can laugh at it, you can live with
it.” And laughter has gotten me through
a lot of hard times. And it has gotten
Kylie and Della out of some real pickles as well.
3. What are your three top suggestions on becoming an
author, or being a pleasure writer?
Read a lot and study the books that really excite you. Figure out what it was that had you turning
those pages. Write regularly. Writing is like exercising. When you keep it up, you love it, but if you
stop doing it, it’s hard to get back into the swing of it. Join a critique group and work with other
writers. When you read someone else’s
work and try to help them with the craft of writing, your eyes can suddenly
become open to some of your own mistakes.
4. What is your favourite novel, why?
Oh, my, that is a very hard question. I love so many books. I think my favorite book when I was young was
Charlotte’s Web. And I don’t even like
spiders. But I think her concern about
saving Wilber just made her special.
5. Who is your favourite author, why?
Hmm, I love a lot of authors because I read so many
genres. I love Susan Elizabeth Phillips,
Kelly Armstrong and Joy Preble.
6. What are your favorite pass times besides writing?
I love spending time at the beach, sitting on the front
porch, and laughing with friends.
7. Who in your life do you credit your imagination to the
My grandparents played a big part in my life. My grandmother was a school teacher, and knew
that sometimes I felt I wasn’t as smart as I should be because I am dyslexic.
But she always told me, “It may be a little harder for you, but you can still
do anything.” And then my grandfather
was a storyteller, and wherever he went, he had an audience he could tell
stories to, so I think I learned a lot about spinning tales from him.
8. What are the top five things on your bucket list?
Rent a house on the beach and stay there for a whole
week. (I’m actually going to do this
next month.) Fly in a hot air
balloon—I’m scared of heights, so this one will be hard. Spend three weeks in Italy. Write a book that people can’t stop talking
about. Get on an airplane and sit next
to someone reading and enjoying my book.
9. What is your funniest childhood memory?
Hmm. I guess I
associate funny with embarrassing, because two memories come to mind. The time I lost my bathing suit top after
jumping off the diving board, which was funny for a long time! And the time I was learning how to drive and
almost ran completely into the post office.
It had a glass wall, bushes and a flowerbed in front. I drove over the curb, smashed the flowers
and plowed down the bushes. The bumper
of my car was kissing the glass and everyone in the post office had jumped over
the counter. My mom still made me go in
and buy stamps.
10. To the youth of today, if you could tell them one thing,
what would it be?
I hear so many people say, “If only I could go back to my
teen years.” I don’t feel that way at
all. Being a teen was hard . . . really
hard. So I guess I would tell them to
hang in there. As hard as it is to
figure out who you are and where you fit into this world, it does get
easier. Don’t beat yourself up for the
mistakes you make. Everyone makes them,
just learn from them. And always
remember, making a mistake isn’t so bad, it’s repeating them that can make us
C.C Hunters Newest Cover Reveal!
C.C Hunter's newest novel in the Shadow Falls series has been announced... it is named...Reborn!
When a new vampire named Chase shows up at camp, Della’s world is thrown into even more chaos. Arrogant and annoyingly sexy, Chase is a mystery . . . and the only mystery Della likes is one she can solve. She can’t solve Chase, at least not while she’s dealing with ghostly hauntings, vampire gangs and a web of family secrets. Can she prove herself as an investigator and keep her life—and her heart—intact?
Enter Shadow Falls: After Dark and meet a vampire named
Della, who’s about to discover what her own story is meant to be. . . .
Della had the perfect life—the family, a boyfriend, and a
bright future—until she was turned, and abandoned by everyone she loves. She
takes refuge at Shadow Falls, a camp for teens with paranormal powers. It’s
where she and her best friends, Kylie and Miranda, heal their heartbreak with
laughter, and where Della is training to be a paranormal investigator—and she
refuses to be distracted. That means there’s no time for romance with Steve, a
gorgeous shapeshifter whose kisses melt her heart.
When a new vampire named Chase shows up at camp, Della’s world is thrown into even more chaos. Arrogant and annoyingly sexy, Chase is a mystery . . . and the only mystery Della likes is one she can solve. She can’t solve Chase, at least not while she’s dealing with ghostly hauntings, vampire gangs and a web of family secrets. Can she prove herself as an investigator and keep her life—and her heart—intact?
Tuesday, 5 August 2014
Kelly Oram's Newest Cover Reveal!!
Cinder and Ella synopsis:
It’s been almost a year since eighteen-year-old Ella Rodriguez was in a car accident that left her crippled, scarred, and without a mother. After a very difficult recovery, she’s been uprooted across the country and forced into the custody of a father that abandoned her when she was a young child. If Ella wants to escape her father’s home and her awful new stepfamily, she must convince her doctors that she’s capable, both physically and emotionally, of living on her own. The problem is, she’s not ready yet. The only way she can think of to start healing is by reconnecting with the one person left in the world who’s ever meant anything to her—her anonymous Internet best friend, Cinder.
Hollywood sensation Brian Oliver has a reputation for being trouble. There’s major buzz around his performance in his upcoming film The Druid Prince, but his management team says he won’t make the transition from teen heartthrob to serious A-list actor unless he can prove he’s left his wild days behind and become a mature adult. In order to douse the flames on Brian’s bad-boy reputation, his management stages a fake engagement for him to his co-star Kaylee. Brian isn’t thrilled with the arrangement—or his fake fiancĂ©e—but decides he’ll suffer through it if it means he’ll get an Oscar nomination. Then a surprise email from an old Internet friend changes everything.
Teaser excerpt:
“You do have someone who cares,” he said softly. “No matter how bad things are at home or at school or whatever, you have me. You’re my best friend, too. You have my number now. Save it in your phone and call it anytime—day, night, the witching hour—it doesn’t matter. Okay?”
It took me a moment—and a series of deep breaths—before I could respond. “Okay.”
“I promise. As long as I always have you, I’ll be fine.” I kicked myself internally and laughed. “Wow, that sounded really cheesy. You see? That’s why I didn’t want to call you. I can filter my stupid mouth so much better when I have to type out my thoughts.”
Cinder laughed again. “Ah, but then you would miss out on all the sweet nothings I plan to whisper in your ear now that I know how much you like my ultra-sexy voice.”
I blushed but refused to let him know that his flirting rattled me. “I never said ultra, you egomaniac. But you should definitely consider recording audiobooks for a living.”
“Hmm. That’s not a bad idea.” Cinder’s voice dropped to that slow, seductive purr again as he asked, “Would you like me to read to you, Ellamara?”
I thrilled at the thought and couldn’t quite mask my excitement. “Seriously?”
“Why not? Before you called, I was getting ready to have a Top Gear marathon all by my lonesome.”
“You are such a liar. Tonight is Friday night, and it’s Halloween. There is no way you don’t have plans.”
“I don’t have important ones. It’s just a stupid party that my sort-of girlfriend wants me to go to.”
“Your ‘sort-of’ girlfriend?”
“Yeah.” Cinder stretched the word out in a long breath. “It’s a long story, but I’m not that into her. I’d much rather stay home and read with you. Besides, I can’t hang up on you when you’ve had the worst day ever. What kind of best friend would that make me?”
I almost cried again. The offer was so sweet. And thoughtful. Reading was a passion Cinder and I shared. We read and discussed books all the time. We’d even decided to read the same book at the same time before, but we’d never read one together. Cinder had to know how much that would mean to me.
“It has to be The Druid Prince,” I said.
Cinder laughed. “It’s already in my hands.”
Look for Cinder & Ella October 1, 2014!
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Up and coming Young Adult Novels list
These are the books that I have decided are worth the attention of the reading world. I have not yet read these books but they have caught my attention. Look to the future for reviews as the books come out and I get a hold of them.
Echoes of Balance
by Cally Ryanne
The Fearless
by Emma Pass
Misty Falls
by Joss Stirling
Winter (The Lunar Chronicles #4)
by Cara Lynn Shultz
by Amy Rose Capetta
by Kelly Oram
by Lindsay Mead
by Chris Weitz
A Thousand Pieces of You (Firebird #1)
by Claudia Gray
Pan's Revenge by Anna Katmore (Review)

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